Thank you for registering!

You can watch the TDO: Live! Meeting 2021 here:

The Zoom meeting link will also be emailed to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us directly at [email protected].

As a thank you for signing up for the TDO: Live! Meeting 2021, you now have access to an exclusive 36-minute video featuring Dr. Kyle Fagala on the topic, "How to Handle Leads in the Orthodontic Practice," and a PDF Workflow! This is the workflow that Dr. Kyle and his team at Saddle Creek Orthodontics use to handle hundreds of new patient leads each month.

To watch the video and download the workflow, please follow this link. Use the password NEONCANVAS when prompted, but please don’t share the password as it’s exclusively for those who have registered.

The Digital Orthodontist: Live! Meeting 2021 Begins In: